SlowTile Nuvole - handcrafted tiles

SlowTile Nuvole NU01

SlowTile Nuvole NU01


SlowTile Nuvole NU01

SlowTile Nuvole

SlowTile Nuvole (Clouds): Variations of tones and sizes artfully mixed, with a homogeneous effect that is never monochromatic. Each variant develops into elements that are unique in shape and tone.

The first decor developed in the Made in SlowTile Sipario laboratory which from the famous placemats has been transposed onto ceramic, where it re-proposes its unpredictability.

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“Slow Tile” project aims to support the company in meeting its two main goals: the “training” goal by activating specific tutoring interventions so that disabled people grow in competence and professionalism also in the new “Ceramics” sector;

And the goal of “economic self-sustainability” by activating, in collaboration with experts in the ceramic and design sector, new strategies in terms of products, processes, organization and markets, and thus succeeding in promoting equal opportunities in work and creating new jobs for disabled people.

“Made In Sipario” is today a real, dynamic and productive laboratory of artistic craftsmanship, where market rules and solidarity coexist and are strengthened and where the biggest challenge always remains “being able to achieve economic sustainability” ( together with the formative challenge of course!).

This is why “SLOW TILE” project was born which, opening us to new and innovative ways to stay on the marketplace, will certainly help us to offer new job opportunities both to disabled people already included in the laboratory and to others and not only disabled people.

We will thus be able to realize our dream: to have a world in which diversity is known, welcomed, valued, a world of men and women animated by hope and trust in the future, with the will to do their part to build a piece of it.

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