SlowTile Baroque

SlowTile Baroque BA04

SlowTile BA/04
Purple / Sand

Shape Size Price/sqFt
slowtile-square 20 cm $60.00
slowtile-hexagon 15 cm $60.00
12 cm $60.00
7 cm $65.00



Lines that intersect with joy and chromatic rhythm. The first decor developed in the Made in SlowTile Sipario laboratory which from the famous placemats has been transposed onto ceramic, where it re-proposes its unpredictability.

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“Slow Tile” project aims to support the company in meeting its two main goals: the “training” goal by activating specific tutoring interventions so that disabled people grow in competence and professionalism also in the new “Ceramics” sector; and the goal of “economic self-sustainability” by activating, in collaboration with experts in the ceramic and design sector, new strategies in terms of products, processes, organization and markets, and thus succeeding in promoting equal opportunities in work and creating new jobs for disabled people.

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