Exciting Opportunity: Tuscan Mountain Residency Call 2024

Hallo Tuscany lover!

This opportunity is for you if you have always thought about retiring to live and enjoy the unique village life in one of the picturesque Tuscan Apennines mountains.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Mountain Residency Call 2024, an initiative by Tuscany’s Regional Authorities, aimed at promoting the repopulation and socio-economic revitalization of our beautiful mountain areas. This initiative is a direct response to the marginalization of these areas and seeks to breathe new life into them.

Who Can Apply?

Eligible applicants include individuals who meet the subjective requirements set out in article 1, paragraph 4 of the call for applications. Applicants must acquire the right of ownership of a residential property, identified as such by the land registry and already existing at the date of publication of the call for applications, as documented by a notarial deed of sale or by a judicial act of transfer of the property.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be citizens of Italy or another European Union country or non-EU subjects holder of a residence permit of not less than 10 years. They must be of legal age and residents in an Italian municipality resulting non-mountainous from the last official ISTAT data available at the date of adoption of the managerial decree approving the call for applications.

Application Deadline

The request for contribution can be submitted from 1:00 pm on June 12, 2024 until and no later than 1:00 pm on July 27, 2024 exclusively electronically. Applications can be accessed at the address:

https://servizi.toscana.it/formulari/#/home . via updated internet browsers, preferably Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Type of Aid

The minimum amount that can be requested for each application is €10,000.00 and the maximum amount that can be requested for each application is €30,000.00. The maximum amount of the contribution cannot in any case be higher than 50% of the total expenses incurred for the costs connected to the purchase of the property and related appurtenances.

Financial Allocation

The amount of resources allocated to the intervention is a total of €2,800,000.00, allocated in the 2024-2026 Financial Budget, years 2024 and 2025.

For any other information on the compilation and submission of the application, you can consult the User Manual of the wee application version 8.3.

We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to contribute to the revitalization of our mountain areas. For any questions or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us, at IDEA Super Tuscan Projects we have the proper experience and knowledge to guide you to this exciting application and to choose the right estate for your mountain village life project!


IDEA Super Tuscan Projects

Tuscan Mountain Residency Call 2024

Dreaming of moving to Tuscany?

Tuscany will pay you up to $32,000 to buy a home in a village