IDEA Super Tuscan Projects & Manetti Gusmano

Bringing Tuscan Terracotta Charm to Your New Patio Project

Welcome to our latest newsletter! Today, we’re excited to delve into how IDEA Super Tuscan Projects harmonizes with the traditional terracotta products of Manetti Gusmano & Figli to create stunning Tuscan patio designs.

Based in Orange County, California, IDEA STP is a design company with a passion for art and architectural design. Our vision is to encompass Italian Design Engineering and Architecture in a specialized and genuine Tuscan style residential/commercial design and building company. We offer a complete and authentic Tuscan style design and construction approach. Our architectural services range from consultancy in Tuscan style and building material, interior design with Tuscan finishes and furnishings, to architectural consultancy in design for interior and exterior.

At IDEA STP we are super happy to work with renown terracotta tile artisan Manetti Gusmano & Figli, a company deeply rooted in the heart of Ferrone, in the territory of Impruneta, (Tuscany) which is a beacon of tradition and innovation in the world of architecture. For eight generations, they have been producing terracotta flooring and cladding tiles, as well as artisanal terracotta elements. Their products are a testament to the rich traditions of Impruneta clay.

Harmonizing Tradition and Innovation

When combined, the Tuscan patio design, the exterior design offerings of IDEA-STP, and the terracotta products of Manetti Gusmano & Figli create a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. The unique characteristics of Galestro clay, the innovative techniques of Manetti Gusmano & Figli, and the focus on exterior design by IDEA STP make their combined offerings an ideal choice for exterior projects.

Galestro Clay and exteriors design

The secret to the uniqueness of their products lies in the exclusive Galestro clay present in the quarries of the Fornace. This clay, once fired, gives the terracotta special characteristics in terms of color, resistance, strength, and porosity. These properties make it particularly suitable for exterior projects. The clay is extremely malleable and resistant, and the products made from it are of exceptional quality and durability.

Tuscan patio design is all about bringing the charm of the Italian countryside to your backyard. It involves the use of warm, earthy tones that mimic the natural landscape of Tuscany. The color palette includes shades of terracotta, gold, olive green, and burnt orange. These colors create a welcoming yet refined palette for a Tuscan-inspired patio.

In addition to the color palette, Tuscan patio design also involves the use of specific plants. Look for flowers with bold colors, plants with climbing growth, and herbs or ornamental grasses for the perfect Tuscan garden. These plants not only add to the aesthetic appeal of the patio but also create a serene and relaxing atmosphere.

A stunning Tuscan patio experience

A Tuscan-style Garden is a symphony of nature’s bounty, a blend of vibrant colors, and a celebration of life’s simple pleasures. The heart of this garden lies in its plants. The Bear’s Breeches (Acanthus spinosus), with its bold and dramatic foliage, serves as a stunning backdrop to the vibrant colors of the flowers. The flowers, ranging from fiery reds and oranges to calming blues and purples, add a splash of color and bring the garden to life. The climbing plants, with their tendrils reaching for the sky, add a sense of height and depth to the garden.

Herbs and ornamental grasses are not just an afterthought in a Tuscan garden. They are integral to the design, providing texture and contrast to the bold colors of the flowers. The aromatic herbs fill the air with their intoxicating scent, adding another sensory dimension to the garden. The Tuscan garden is also home to a variety of rare roses. These roses, with their delicate petals and captivating fragrance, add a touch of romance to the garden. Other popular plants include cacti and a selection of carnivorous plants, as well as rosemary or juniper small bushes, adding an element of surprise and intrigue.

The soul of the Tuscan garden, however, lies in its terracotta elements. Terracotta, a hard and resistant material achieved by a firing process at about 1000° centigrade of a mixture made of clay and inert material, usually sandstone, is a staple in Tuscan gardens. The craft of garden pottery has been developed over the centuries in Tuscany and is famous throughout the world for its elegant and refined design and also for the quality of the clay.

Tuscan terracotta has always been available only as a red or rose color up until a few years ago. This beautiful rich red color is attributed to the ingredient iron oxide that also provides quality and strength. The terracotta elements, whether they be pots, statues, or tiles, add a rustic charm to the garden. They serve as a reminder of the garden’s connection to the earth and nature. Manetti Gusmano is now innovating its production line with darker colors, adding prospective and shades to your patio ‘s color outlook.

Your new hearty and colorful patio project.

In conclusion, a Tuscan-style patio/garden project can encompass a harmonious blend of vibrant plants and rustic terracotta elements. It is a celebration of life’s simple pleasures and a tribute to nature’s bounty. Whether you’re an architect looking for inspiration for your next project or a homeowner seeking to transform your backyard into a slice of Tuscan paradise, a Tuscan-style garden is a great choice!

Whether you’re an architect looking for the perfect material for your next project or a homeowner seeking to add a touch of tradition to your modern home, the combined offerings of IDEA STP and Manetti Gusmano & Figli are a great choice. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and tradition ensures that their products and services are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable, functional, and in harmony with your Southern California backyard.

Stay tuned for more updates on our projects and offerings. Until then, keep dreaming and keep designing in Tuscan style with IDEA Super Tuscan Projects!